(OS1) Trainer & Coach Class Hits the Road in 2022
Held in person for the first time in three years, our (OS1) Trainer and Coach Class traveled to the gorgeous grounds of Michigan State University on May 10-13. With a completely full class filled with several new groups, teams learned the specifics of cleaning science and what it takes to operate and teach a successful (OS1) program! Over the three days of training, participants evaluated new products from our manufacturer representatives, heard instructor-led presentations and participated in small group activities that served to reinforce key concepts.
At the conclusion of the course, participants had the opportunity to test and earn their (OS1) Trainer’s Certificate (OTCH) Exam.
During the three-day class, we heard stories of how (OS1) allowed organizations to scale their cleaning operations during the pandemic, equipping them with the tools and supplies they needed to provide exceptional cleaning service with limited staff.
We also welcomed two new universities to the (OS1) community who transitioned their cleaning operations to (OS1) during the pandemic. We appreciated hearing their stories, and are looking for our first in-person Symposium, Aug. 1-3, 2022, in Milwaukee, WI, where we will hear more of these success stories as we benchmark best practices from other organizations!
Thank you to all who made our Spring Coach class such an incredible event, including our host Brandon Baswell and the team at Michigan State University. And congratulations to all the newly designated OTCH Trainers! We look forward to welcoming even more organizations to our community as you go out into your facilities and do what you do best!