Tag Archive for: (OS1)

Have you registered for (OS1) Users Symposium yet?

Wow! Time flies. The 10th Annual (OS1) Users Symposium is only a month away, and I can hardly believe it. If you still haven’t registered yet…Don’t worry you can do it right here, right now. As a refresher, here are all the quick details:

[button link=”http://managemen.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/AnnouncementOS1-2011-Sympo-.pdf” window=”yes”]Download the Brochure[/button]


Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah


July 10-12, 2011

What does it cost?

$350.00 per person. This includes all scheduled events and meals, including opening reception, awards banquet and symposium materials. If you are planning on bringing a guest(s) to the Opening Reception and/or the Awards Banquet, please note the additional guest fee(s) as follows :

  • Opening Reception Guest Fee: $40.00 per guest
  • Awards Banquet Guest Fee: $80.00 per guest

Please make all checks payable to the Simon Institute, a non-profit organization.

How do I register?

Easy. Just click the button below:
[button link=”http://simoninstitute.org/symposium_application.html” window=”yes”]Register Now[/button]

How do I book my hotel room(s)?

Simple. You can call the Little America Hotel-Salt Lake City reservations desk at 1-800-437-5288. Be sure to ask about the Simon Institute special rate ($119.00 per night. Please note this rate will expire after 06/09/11).

If you prefer to book your accommodations online, you can do it now by clicking on the button below:
[button link=”https://secure.saltlake.littleamerica.com/reservations_ows/flex/ReservationsOpera.html?hotelCode=LASLC&ratePlanType=G&ratePlanCode=SIMO0711&arrivalDate=2011-07-09&departDate=2011-07-12&groupEarliestArrivalDate=2011-07-09&groupLatestDepartDate=2011-07-12″ window=”yes”]Book My Room[/button]


REMINDER: Outstanding Cleaning Worker of the Year Nominations

For the last couple of years, the (OS1) Users Symposium has been conducting a “Outstanding Cleaning Worker of the Year” recognition ceremony for cleaning workers, who have been nominated by someone within their organization. 2.5 million people earn their living in the U.S. as janitors, custodians and housekeepers. Most toil through their shift, day after day with little recognition for their contribution to the orderly operation of every business.

Once again, the Simon Institute is planning on conducting this ceremony during this year’s (OS1) Awards Banquet, July 11, 2011 at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City.

This a a friendly reminder, to all (OS1) organizations, that we are currently accepting your nominations for Outstanding Cleaning Worker of the Year. For you convenience, we are accepting your nominations online. Just click the button below to nominate a cleaning worker from your organization:

[button link=”http://managemen.com/os1/os1-users/os1-users-symposium/outstanding-cleaning-worker-of-the-year/” window=”yes”] Nominate My Cleaning Worker [/button]

We encourage all (OS1) organizations that nominate a cleaning worker and bring them along with you to the annual (OS1) Users Symposium. If they are in attendance, they will be presented with their medal of honor at the (OS1) Awards Banquet.

All medals are $50.00 per nominee. Payments should me made to the Simon Institute, a non-profit corporation.

Job Cards….get your (OS1) Job Cards, here!

Yay! The latest and greatest version of the (OS1) Job Cards are now available for purchase in the ManageMen Online Store.

These brand new job cards have been re-designed to highlight daily cleaning and detail cleaning in core areas. They are simplified to keep more accurate times per day and include an entire work week rather than just one day.

The NEW Job Cards are now available in two different options:

  • (OS1) Job Card – Starter Pack (#200-2003S) which includes a total of 5 job cards, one of each color
  • (OS1) Job Card – Work loading Pack (#200-2003W) which includes 25 of each color (125 cards total).

Visit our online store for more details.

Also, we are currently blowing-out the original version of the (OS1) Job Cards at the bargain price of 50% off, while supplies last. Once they are gone, the old version will be discontinued.

Advanced Carpet Care & Intro to Drying Workshop Dates announced.

We are pleased to announce that dates have been established and registration is now open for the (OS1) Advanced Carpet Care & Intro to Drying Workshop. This event will take place June 29-30, 2011 at The Kellogg Convention Center in East Lansing, MI.

For workshop details and registration, please click here.

John Walker on ISSA TV

This year was the first year, in a while, that our team had visited the annual ISSA tradeshow. While we were there, our very own John Walker, was asked by ISSA to talk about workloading and the 540 Cleaning Times book for an ISSA Educatuional Quick Clip video. In his video, John presents five ways to determine effective workloading solutions. To watch that video, please click here.

To order your very own copy of ISSA’s 540 Cleaning Times book, please click here.

K-12 Schools Punish Students by Making them Work as Janitors

Written By Jeff Hawkins
(OS1) Trainer, Provo City School District

Often students at school that are in trouble for any number of reasons are brought to me to be “punished” for their bad deeds. Administrators ask if I can put them to work by doing janitorial tasks such as cleaning lunchroom tables, washing entry glass, cleaning lockers, picking up trash, etc. While I do think it is appropriate for a student who draws all over the walls to be given the task of cleaning it off, I am not sure if I see a correlation of having to clean lunchroom tables for being excessively tardy or picking up trash for being disrespectful to a teacher. It seems that more often than not the administrators are unintentionally sending the message to misbehaving students that “if you get out of line we will give you the most awful punishment we can think of ” …janitorial work.

Ever since I have been introduced to (OS1), I am feeling conflicted that “punishing” students to do janitorial tasks goes against the entire JU Philosophy of Cleaning. If we are trying to send the message that the janitorial profession is a first class profession employing first class citizens, should administrators be “sentencing” students to perform cleaning tasks? Isn’t that reinforcing the negative stereotypes that we are working so hard to reverse?

Think about it.


Eight Green Cleaning Myths to Consider

We would like to share this fantasic article written by our friend Dr. Michael A. Berry for the January 2011 issue of Cleanfax Magazine. In this article, Berry discusses the eight myths to consider about “green cleaning” from a scientific perspective, and why high performance cleaning systems, such as (OS1), are the way to approach an effective cleaning result for the indoor enviornment.

To read the entire article, please click here.


Microbiology for Cleaning Workers Simplified – 2011 Edition

The Microbiology for Cleaning Workers Simplified book has been revised, re-editied and updated with new information. Co-written by John Walker and Dr. Jeffery Campbell, the newest version of this book offers 260 pages of information that was designed for the professional cleaning world.

All professional cleaners work in a jungle. An invisible jungle. A jungle of billions of microorganisms. Some are friendly, some are hostile, some are trying to (and eventually will) kill us. We are part of the jungle and home to millions of the micro-creatures who live on us, in us and around us in every nook and cranny we attempt to clean. The invisible jungle resides in the most pristine kitchen, the shiniest restroom and the cleanest smelling hospital or school. In these spotless environments, bad bugs ranging from MRSA to E. coli to coliform to salmonella are actively spreading from surface to surface, like chimpanzees swinging from bough to infected bough.

They are colonizing the plumbing, thriving on shelves and inhabiting the corners of counters. This book is not designed to be a medical manual. It’s is not a hospital reference book. It is not a technical scientific tome. It is a book designed to help cleaning workers. Housekeepers, janitors, custodians, trainers and their management who are concerned with the broad area of dealing with the problems of microorganisms, wherever they are found in the workplace. This book attempts to bridge the gap between science and common sense when it comes to cleaning facilities. Here are the sanitation basics, the vocabulary and the history of cleaning for health. It’s compiled to equip you to deal in a practical way with everyday cleaning and sanitation problems of facility operations. Once you master the basic knowledge, you can act professionally to provide the necessary health service to those who work in these facilities.

You can order your very on copy from the ManageMen online store, by clicking here.